We helped to organize Wealth Forum in Saku Arena

28.10. 2015

Wealth Forum that  was held in Estonia for the first time attracted more than 2,500 participants who were able to improve their financial knowhow, learn from the experience of millionaires and to make new contacts. The one-day seminar was held in the English language with interpretation into Estonian and Russia. The event attracted audience not only from Estonia, but also from Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Mongolia and Ireland.

The were five keynote speakers, all of them well-known in the financial world: Robert Kiyosaki, his wife Kim Kiyosaki, Eric Edmeades, Asel Sykykova and Kevin Green. These five people have changed lives of millions of people.

In 2002, Robert Kiyosaki famously predicted the financial crisis of 2008. He said that while an even bigger disaster will arrive in 2016, those who are prepared for it have nothing to fear. This is why it important to know the rules of the today’s financial world as every disaster has its pros and cons.

Robert’s wife, entrepreneur and author of self-development books Kim Kiyosaki spoke that women should take control of financial matters instead of being financially dependent on their partner.

Trainer Asel Sydykova comes from a small mountain village in Kyrgyzstan. Ten years ago, Asel went to London without knowing a single word of English, achieved financial freedom and  is now launching a training company in Kyrgyzstan that wants to become the largest in Central Asia.

Entrepreneur Eric Edmeades taught how to create a company that operates well also without a chief executive. A typical small entrepreneur is involved in his or her business 24/7, but Eric showed us how to reach much more customers by spending much less time and money.

Kevin Green, the largest owner of residential property in UK, was practically homeless in the 1980ies. By now, he has become a multi-millionaire and and adviser to the Welsh Minister of Economy. He advised how to create passive income with the help of real estate. Kevin has 27 enterprises and has, among others, participated in the hugely popular reality show „The Secret Millionaire“.

To see photos of the seminar, check out the Facebook page of Acer Events.

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