Levira Kihnus

Levira AS

Internal communication


An adventurous family day in Kihnu, where it was possible to get acquainted with the life of Kihnu Island through orienteering on wheels.

How did we do it?

Levira adventurous event on Kihnu island. Summer days with families, which were attended by about 70 people. Arriving on the island, a lunch inspired by local fish dishes was offered, after which teams were formed and the rally could begin. The teams used bicycles and box trucks, and tablets with checkpoints. At each point, tasks had to be solved, questions answered, or a local ordeal introduced to introduce local life. During the rally, they met Kihvu Virve, listened to local fisherman’s stories, and also had the opportunity to get acquainted with Kihnu’s language and customs. The children were entertained by the fun Pirate throughout the day and at the end of the evening the band Untsakad performed.


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