Lurichi maja avamine

Ülemiste City

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An event  and day that will be remembered by everyone.

How did we do it?

In August 2020, the first house with smart homes was opened in Ülemiste City. It was an all-day event – the opening of the house in the morning. And a nice rooftop terrace party with the Bombossa Brothers in the evening.

Singer Inger Fridolin also bought his first home in Lurich’s house, opening a festive event with the song “Where is home, what is home”. In addition, Inger can open its home door with an innovative solution. Namely, a door chip was placed on his arm. So the key will never be lost again.

All those interested could explore the sample apartments and why not dream of their future home in Ülemiste City.

Watch the video here.

In the Spring of 2019 we organized a cornerstone placing event. Read more about it here.

Watch the whole gallery here. 

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