Viaston Infra

Viaston Infra OÜ

Customer events
Internal communication
Marketing events


“I trusted Marjelen blindly. When we got to the venue, we realized it was exactly the right place and the way we had wanted it. Pleasand sea view. Band was awesome and we saw that even the quietest people were dancing. Just great!”

How did we do it?

Klinkberg summer Venue was the perfect place for Viaston 5 event.

To this birthday event  were invited all employees and collaborators. Viaston employees children helped to make people laugh by pre filmed Q&A “Children do not lye”  section.  We got to know all fun facts about Viaston people and how kids see their parents work.

Meelis Kubo did his magic tricks. Pille-Riin Karro & Wetcats got everyone dancing.


Happy 5th Birthday Viaston! We were delighted to be part of this event. Until next time!

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