WDSF Tallinn Open

MTÜ Tantsusport

Technical production


Frank Sound & Light team took care of the entire lighting solutions, decor and wardrobe construction.

How did we do it?

The assignment was to bring Tallinna Kalevi sports hall into a cozy ballroom. More than 600 dancing pairs from 19 countries took part in the competition.

In Latin American dances the best was a Russian couple Alexander Kzanov and Jelisaveta Luhhin. The best Estonian pair was Robin Alexander Veskus and Diana Gavrilova as they got 9th place.

Standard dance winners among 55 pairs were Estonians Madis Abel and Aleksandra Galkina. (ERR). More info (in Estonian) https://sport.err.ee/879889/kodusel-voistlustantsu-mk-etapil-palvisid-esikoha-abel-ja-galkina 

All results: https://www.worlddancesport.org/Event/Competition/International_Open-Tallinn-21697/Adult-Latin-52692/Ranking

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