Holm Bank

Holm Bank

Internal communication


“It was such an awesome party The organizers were really professionals in their field. Every detail and nuance was exactly where it was supposed to be. I have been involved in organizing many larger and smaller events, but they have never gone so smoothly and carefree, thanks again Frank Events from Holm’s marketing team and the entire banking family!”

How did we do it?

Holm Bank fully supports the motivation of its team and the celebration of important milestones in the company.

In December 2020, Holm Bank celebrated its 25th anniversary. Before the event, people were given a health check-up and those who wished could also get a face mask, which they could also wear if they wished.

The evening was full of details and very moody. All the staff had been waiting for such an event for a long time! The magician sharpened quests senses by conducting unbelievable tricks. Charming Neleliis Vaiksoo got all quests listening her beautiful voice. From the first song 2 Quick Start got everybody dancing. And so to the end, the dance floor was filled with people.

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