Frank Events ja 360 KRAADI

Frank Events ja 360 KRAADI

Customer events
Internal communication
Marketing events


An awesome event. With the opening party of our new office we let everyone in Ülemiste City know that we are here. 🙂

How did we do it?

We are happy to be in such office space in Ülemiste City, which provides an opportunity to organize red carpet parties well. Our office party was favored by the great weather and we were able to gather people outside the office space and enjoy the warm spring sun in the early spring. Only good food, music and awesome people were at our party. 

At the office party, we were pleased to announce publicly that Frank Events has made a major contribution to providing an even better full-service solution to our current and future customers and partners. We joined the Adventure Company 360 KRAADI. You can read more about it here.

Thank you, dear friends, for being there and continuing to come to us for great events. For us, every new meeting and organization of summer days, Christmas party, seminar and conference is a new challenge, because we try to build a unique event based on the wishes of each company. We are pleased to say that we are a strategic marketing and communication partner for so many companies in creating events.

The Frank Events Sepise 8 office is always open to you. Call ahead and we’ll have a nice coffee and discuss upcoming event plans.


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